學校體適能獎勵計劃35週年頒獎典禮 暨 啟德體育園同樂日
The 35th Anniversary School Physical Fitness Award Scheme cum Kai Tak Sports Park Fun Day
日期 Date: 2025年1月11日 (星期六) Saturday, 11 January 2025
時間 Time: 10:00-12:00 (Ceremony) | 12:00-14:00 (Fun Day)
地點 Venue: 啟德承啟道38號,啟德體育園,啟德體藝館 | Kai Tak Arena, Kai Tak Sports Park
節目表 Programme
時間 Time | 內容 Content | 嘉賓/講者 Guest/Speaker |
周年頒獎典禮 (2023/24) Annual Prize Presentation Ceremony (2023/24) |
10:00-10:30 |
致開幕辭及致歡迎辭 Opening Speech and Welcome Speech |
香港兒童健康基金董事會主席 歐陽卓倫醫生 Dr AU-YEUNG Cheuk-lun, Henry, Chairman, Hong Kong Childhealth Foundation 警務處處長 蕭澤頤先生 Mr SIU Chak-yee, Commissioner of Police |
主禮嘉賓專題講座及致辭 Presentation of Speech and Keynote by Guest of Honour 體適能對學習和健康的重要性 The Importance of Physical Fitness for Learning and Health |
教育局局長 蔡若蓮博士 Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education, Education Bureau |
香港孩子有幾Fit? How fit are children in Hong Kong? |
香港大學曹延洲基金教授席 (兒童及青少年科)臨床教授 葉柏強教授 Professor IP Patrick, Clinical Professor, Tsao Yen-Chow Professorship in Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, HKU |
頒獎典禮開幕亮燈儀式 Opening Ceremony of the Award Presentation with Lighting Ceremony |
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10:30-11:05 |
頒發各個獎項 Presentation of Awards (including Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit) |
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11:05-11:30 |
經驗分享:運動中克服挑戰和建立心理韌性 Sharing Session: Overcoming Challenges and Building Resilience in Sports |
江旻憓小姐,巴黎奧運女子重劍金牌得主 Miss KONG Man-wai, Vivian, Olympic Gold Medal Fencer 座談會主持: 雷雄德博士 Moderator: Dr LOUIE Hung-tak, Lobo |
11:30-12:00 |
學生表演 Student Performance |
受邀學校 Invited schools |
同樂日 FUN DAY |
12:00-14:00 |
鵬程慈善基金 - 智能虛擬運動大賽 Bright Future Charitable Foundation –Smart Virtual Sports Competition 新興運動體驗 Newly Emerged Sports 動感健身操 Dynamic Aerobics 攤位活動 Booth Activities |
鵬程慈善基金 Bright Future Charitable Foundation 中國香港體適能總會 Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China 新興運動協會 Newly Emerged Sports Association 香港大學 The University of Hong Kong 香港肥胖學會 Hong Kong Obesity Society 香港小童群益會 The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong 凝動香港體育基金 InspiringHK Sports Foundation 香港兒童醫院 Hong Kong Children's Hospital |